Wednesday, December 16, 2009

How do i choose the right shade of foundation or compact?

i have a medium fair skin but i always end up choosing the wrong shade which makes my skin look pale. How do i choose the correct shade?How do i choose the right shade of foundation or compact?
Two Options:

1. Go to your local mall and matched.

2. Get Revlon Custom Creations.

That's the foundation I love and use, because you can mix and match until you get the right color.How do i choose the right shade of foundation or compact?
You can take your chances or you can get an individual make over telling you what shade you are. I get 2 colors minerals %26amp; even 3 sometimes %26amp; mix them together to get the perfect color for me. some days i have more sun %26amp; I do the lighter shades more %26amp; vice-versa.
go to a mall and try mac they'll give u applications of different foundations and compacts so that you can see which one is right for you and the people there will even help you to pick the right shade....

or next time you go to the parlour for makeup just ask the makeup artist as to which foundation he'll us on you and get friendly with them, so you'll get some free tips too....
Try It is really good!
I suck at picking the right shade. I either picked too dark or too light. So I went to the mall and a makeup artist picked out the right shade for me.
if you can, mix different foundations together until you get your exact shade.

hope this helps!

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